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Though the media has maligned feminism as a drive for selfish fulfilment but female professionals, those who stand to gain most are actually those who have the least. The demand for full equality for all women is profoundly radicalizing when it addresses the additional layers of discrimination women experience because of class, race, sexuality, disability, and age and also heightened impact on women and children of war, poverty and environmental degradation.
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Types of feminism

As with every social movement, feminism encompasses a variety of political tendencies. There are three main types of feminism:

• Socialist • Reformist • Radical/separatist


Socialist feminism or Marxist feminism or material feminism traces the oppression of women to inequalities that developed in connection to inequalities that developed in connection with the class system of private property. Socialist feminists believe that the leadership of women and other oppressed people in a worker-run democracy will be able to root out the chauvinist practices and psychology quite quickly. Radical Women is today’s leading socialist feminist women’s organization. Radical women are affiliated with the Freedom Socialist Party, a revolutionary socialist feminist party of men and women.


Reformist feminists believe that gender inequality can be eliminated through legislative or electoral reforms without the need to alter the capitalist system itself. Groups such as the National Organization for Women and NARAL/Pro-Choice America typify reformist feminism. Because they limit their efforts to what can be achieved within the current system, they orient primarily to more privileged white, middle-class women many of those needs can be at least partially or temporarily ameliorated by reforms. Their approach is a single issue and aimed at swaying politicians and donors.


Radical feminists target male psychology or biology as the source of women’s oppression. The most extreme form of radical; feminism is separatism, which advocates a total break with men. By posing an all-inclusive sisterhood as the solution of patriarchy, radical feminists overlook the class differences that prevent women as a whole from having the same interests.

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This was a brief draft of the types of feminism our society presents. My objective through this blog is to convey a detailed view of the feminists and to note out the problems feminists face each day due to the lack of appropriate information about the different stems of feminism. Hope this one was informative and you all enjoyed it.

~ Suchita

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