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"Either I will come back after hoisting the tricolour, or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will come back for sure."

                                                                                       - Vikram Batra

We all have some dreams in our life. Those dreams are then turned to ambitious and later on, we make our best to aspire and achieve it. Many of us have dreams to earn money, have a comfortable life, make an enormous name, fame and thus what not! Then there come some braveries of our country who don't have none of the above, in short, they don't dream of so-called luxurious life!

                 Today we are safe wherever we are and we are an independent country. We can roam out wherever we want without having a second thought. We know that we have restless soldiers on the borders of our country, resting an eye of them on the enemy. Ladies and Gentlemen, just imagine the way they do their duties every day. I assure you, the vision of yours could change ever after.

                 The very primary mindset every soldier has is to save the country from every kind of situation. The situation for them stands for is terrorism, bomb blasts, and some plannings that are beyond our mindsets. The dedication that soldiers have to show is actually what I can't explain because its far from anyone's idea and for the ones, especially who don't come from that background.

                 It's not about the background my dear readers, Its all about a change we have to bring in ourselves. Let the army know that all of its countrymen are its background. The point comes from a reason that sometimes or somewhere we don't show our support and sometimes we unintentionally ignore the real heroes of our country. The greatest backbone for every soldier begins from his family and the other strength that he has is " US " for the ones he fights for.

                 Wherever you see a soldier pass by, salute him with your happiest smile this could eventually let him know that there are millions like you, who are proud of him. I should tell you even an orphan is never alone, our motherland has given them many brave soldiers who don't even know that you exist or not but you are from the one that they fight for.

                  Sometimes I am astonished by the thought coming to my mind. For every human being, the biggest truth is someday we all have to accept this "Death". But our soldiers are brave enough to overcome that thought. They kill our enemies and at times, they even die at the wars. Thus they became martyr soldiers. We worship God in the temples, mosque, church but my dear readers God always saves his child from all wars. Our God is on the borders saving us and taking all the pains even if the pain could turn to death.

" My vision for the army is respect. My respect for them to let their lives go so that I could breathe from the independent air of my country, where the souls of the martyr soldiers fly on even after they die."

   "Jai veer jawan"

   "Jai Hind" 

                                                                                           ~ Kirti

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