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Women Empowerment

Yes dear lovely people I hope you are not disappointed by seeing the headline, I guess speaking about women; their rights; their achievements and henceforth inspiring them more to achieve is no way wrong.

Kiran Bedi
First Women IPS officer
Best Example of Women Empowerment
Let me start by simplifying the headline,  well I know that you, people, know it but still make it crystal clear for you,  the term EMPOWERMENT  means giving someone the authority to do according to his or her own will , therefore I feel giving women the authority to build themselves up according to their own will is not wrong I guess  . Dear readers what's your opinion on this ??? please don't forget to mention in the comment section below. Is there anything wrong for letting them walk alone on the road with pride,  by creating or making themselves dignified???? Please don't forget to mention your opinion in the comment section below.

Women empowerment is jargon in today's date as they are working alongside with men in every sphere, empowering women and letting them place their opinion and rights in all fields including social, political, economic, etc is no way wrong. The more women are empowered the more our country gets advanced in all fields. 

With steadily increasing in the number of working women,  they have gained financial independence,  which has given them the confidence to build their own identity. They are successful in taking the up diverse profession and proving themselves no less. But while doing so women also take care to strike a balance between their commitments to their profession as well as their home and family.  They are playing multiple roles of mother, daughter,  sister,  wife and a working professional with remarkable harmony and ease.  With equal opportunities to work, they are functioning with of teamwork to render all possible co-operation to their male counterparts in meeting their targets and deadlines set in their respective professions.

There is no disadvantage in empowering women,  but if women are not empowered then there is a  surety of degradation in human society and the environment.

There are many names like Kiran Bedi, p.t Usha, Sania Mirza, Sushmita Sen,  Kalpana Chawla, Mary Kom, who have proved themselves in every field and scope fighting with all the difficulties.  Why should they fight the difficulties if they can do it far better without fighting for it? We just need to make their path a little less difficult, by empowering them that is by letting them choose their own field and giving them the right to move ahead in the field they want to. I would just end up with the question to you people. Can't we let our women move ahead to the destination they want to ???? Is it so difficult??

                                                                    ~ Moitri


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